Gluten Intolerance Symptoms – When You Need to Be Gluten-Free


Gluten intolerance symptoms can be extremely serious. If you experience gluten intolerance symptoms, read this before you eat your next slice of bread. You may need to eliminate gluten from your diet immediately.

What Is Celiac Disease?

Gluten intolerance symptoms, or celiac disease symptoms, are the result of an autoimmune disorder coupled with long term malnutrition. It begins as your body’s inability to process certain proteins but then evolves into a serious form of malnutrition.

When your body can’t handle those proteins in wheat, barley and rye, the villi in your intestines slowly die off. These villi are like little micro hairs that capture nutrients from your food as it passes through your digestive tract. Without these villi lining your intestine, your body struggles to process all foods (not just foods with gluten). In turn, this leads to a plethora of conditions resulting from malnutrition.

What Are Gluten Intolerance Symptoms?

Early gluten intolerance symptoms include gas and bloating, especially after eating something with gluten in it. A little later, you develop constipation, fatigue and dizziness. Then once celiac disease is further along, you begin to experience abdominal pain, severe constipation or diarrhea, chronic fatigue, anemia, headaches, numbness in your hands and feet, increasing allergies and asthma and night sweats.

Dermatitis herpetiformis, a skin rash common to those who suffer from celiac disease symptoms, may occur at any stage.

You may not experience all of these, and the rate at which you develop these symptoms will vary depending on the individual. Some people live long periods of their life without realizing they have gluten intolerance. Don’t mistake this for a mild form of celiac disease as they may have developed serious conditions as a result of a slow-developing and misunderstood malnutrition problem.

Treating Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

The most important thing for you to do is to completely eliminate gluten from your diet. I mean everything: check supplements to make sure gluten isn’t used as a filler or carrier. Check to make sure cookies that don’t have gluten weren’t manufactured in a facility that also processed gluten. A gluten-free diet is a must and you need to be strict.

I suggest you start taking a fiber supplement like psyllium husks. I also encourage you to take a vitamin D supplement as this is one of the first deficiencies to develop in celiac sufferers. Additional supplements to help you better digest your nutrients can help, like enzymes and probiotics.

I hope this provides you with a basic grasp of the breadth and seriousness of celiac disease and gluten allergy symptoms.

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