How To Write A Cookbook In 11 Easy Steps


Been snooping around cookbooks lately and manifested a desire to write one on your own? You did good by clicking this article. You are about to be enlightened about how to write a cookbook in 11 easy steps.


Writing a cookbook is a dream for many avid cooks. They wish to pen down recipes of any sort and share the knowledge they have gathered over the years through experimentation. 

Even if all the recipes are available at the click of our fingertips these days, enjoying a cookbook is a pleasure on its own. That is why the market for cookbooks is still high.

So, let us get into business and look at the 11 steps to write a cookbook!

1. Select A Genuine Theme For Your Cookbook

You might already have a specific theme in your mind when you plan to write a cookbook. The theme of your cookbook can range from being general such as ‘Famous Dishes in American Cuisine’ or specific such as ‘Great Snack Recipes For A Kids Party.’ 

Whatever the theme, make it as genuine, interesting, and appealing as possible. 

2. Address The Target Audience

Once you have decided what you are going to write about, shouldn’t you be clear about who you are writing to? Yes, you should be. Choosing the target audience helps you set the tone of your content in the cookbook. 

To get this step right, you might want to think about the level of cooking expertise of your audience, the cuisines which intrigue them, their interest in healthy eating, etc., before you address them. 

3. Share The Nook and Cranny of The Recipes You Love

Do you know what readers would love about your cookbook? The details! Nobody wants a purely (boring) exact recipe without some extra knowledge. The recipes should have been tried and tested many times so as to give the perfect recipe to your reader.

 The details, such as the measurements, equipment, time, and serving, should be accurate. The more intimate you are in sharing your knowledge of the basic recipe, the better the satisfaction your readers will derive from reading your cookbook. 

For instance, if you are talking about sauteing onions, tell them adding salt will quicken the process.  

4. Be Clear With The Purpose of Your Cookbook

So, what is the motive behind penning down the thoughts of your cooking knowledge? Your purpose behind the cookbook should be able to define the true nature of your cookbook.

 Is it solely informational where you simply tell the reader all about the recipe? Or is it going to be a part of the narrative where you share stories and recipes together? Being clear about the purpose of your cookbook helps you deliver quality content. 

5. Researching and Researching!

Researching about cookbook

This is the most important step that helps you write a cookbook that truly sets it apart from other cookbooks – researching!

Your research should be all about the latest trends in cooking. This can include reading as many cookbooks as you can for good exposure. 

Additionally, you can also talk about the trending superfoods or cookware in your book. Thorough research about your recipes, ingredients, health benefits, substitutes, equipment, nutritional values, glossaries and such is imperative for a useful cookbook.

6. Consider A Narrative Style Suitable For You

Once you are done with the theme and purpose, it is time to choose the style of writing. The approach you consider in expressing the content of your cookbook is quite significant in making the readers feel happy and satisfied. 

The style of narrative can be incredibly personal, where you share the recipes with fond remembrance of your mother or grandmother. It also can be informational, sort of a guide, where you let out the content in a way that helps newbie cooks. Whatever the approach, keep it simple (and humble!).

7. Choose The Type of Recipes You Wish To Talk About

Types of recipes

While this step might seem repetitive, it is necessary for you to be clear about what you are going to write about. The recipes can be broken down into categories such as appetizers, snacks, desserts, condiments, drinks and so on. 

You can also focus on talking about the recipes of famous chefs such as Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Rachel Ray and Thomas Keller.

8. Adorn Your Cookbook With Illustrations and Photographs

A boring narrative always beams up with dazzling images. No matter how great your content is, it is always best to complement it with vibrant illustrations and photographs of the recipes.

 The good-looking photographs of your recipes should ruffle up the feather of experimentation in your readers instantly!

9. Giving Due Credit To The Helping Hands

Maybe the cookbook was your first idea in the first place. You must have shed blood and sweat in getting everything right. But it surely would have been impossible without the help of your friends, family and well-wishers or those who were involved in the editorial process.

Make sure you acknowledge the help received in completing the cookbook, perhaps in the beginning of your cookbook. If it is an inspired recipe, give due credit to the source.

10. Publishing the Treasure

Now that you are all set with the content of your cookbook, it is time to find the right publisher. The choice of publishing agents will deeply influence the fate of the cookbook, from finances to the time of publication. 

Write a decent proposal stating your qualifications, experience, and skills as to the agent and choose a wise platform appropriate for your content.

11. Showing Off Your Cookbook

Once the book is published, you need to market it glamorously. You can introduce your cookbook in blogs you own or reach out to friends who are active on social media to promote your cookbook. 

If you hear about a food event nearby, you can reach out to the organizers or planners who can give an excellent platform to introduce your book to an audience who are passionate about cooking. 

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